Noya Rao Collective


Connecting with the Tree of Light

Noya Rao is a rare bioluminescent tree that grows in the Amazon who holds the position of our revered Master Plant. We have gravitated towards working with her specifically because of the purity of her nature and her unique ability to reflect back your true essence. Through her unconditional love, Noya Rao helps us to uncover our gifts and identify what blocks us from reaching our highest potential.
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How does Noya Rao help people who work with her?

Individuals who have connected with Noya Rao often experience:

  • Increased clarity of individual purpose and gifts
  • Sudden flashes of insights and creativity
  • Release of unprocessed trauma, emotions, and memories from the body
  • Completion of karmic lessons and cycles
  • Removal of relationships and patterns that are no longer in alignment
  • Emergence of new aligned opportunities and relationships 
  • Increased intuitive downloads, realizations, and psychic gifts
  • Improvement in ability to notice emotions mindfully as an outside observer

Pathways to Work with Noya Rao

At Noya Rao Collective, we offer a diverse range of transformative services to support those who feel drawn to the wisdom of Noya Rao.  These modalities serve as catalysts for deep healing, expanded consciousness, and authentic self-expression.

Energy Transmissions

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Deep Immersions

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Individual Sessions

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Healer's Circle 

In September 2023, we are opening the Healer’s Circle Membership for individuals who are interested in strengthening their healing capacities through education, shamanic practice, and self-development. In this monthly membership, Dr. Krista Rhinehart will be sharing knowledge and wisdom drawing from a combination of her doctoral education in East-West Psychology, her work as therapist/spiritual counselor, her apprenticeship within the Shipibo lineage, and other spiritual traditions that have influenced her practice. The intention of this membership is to offer a container for healing practitioners to deepen their knowledge and practice their gifts within a supportive community.

Healer's Circle Membership

$33-55 / month (sliding scale)

Membership Includes:

  • 2 Monthly lectures
  • Readings, video content, and learning materials
  • Group meditations and energy transmissions
  • Healing and energy work practice sessions
  • 1st priority for upcoming retreats
Join the Healer's Circle

Introducing Krista Rhinehart

Dr. Krista Rhinehart, the founder of the Noya Rao Collective, is a channel, therapist, and spiritual guide committed to delivering the healing and teachings of Noya Rao. She founded the Noya Rao Collective based on a series of visions that she received from the tree on how she could support humanity’s awakening and collective healing process. Krista holds a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology and a Doctorate in East-West psychology. Outside of academia, Krista has studied and practiced plant based shamanism and eastern meditation for the last 12 years. Her apprenticeship within the Shipibo tradition introduced her to Noya Rao and how to build connections with master plants. 
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Meet the Noya Rao Collective

The Noya Rao Collective is a team of guides that support individuals through the healing process that Noya Rao provides. Each of us are deeply committed to working with Noya Rao and have done traditional Noya Rao diets to strengthen our connection and our capacity to provide transmissions. We incorporate wisdom and practices that come from  a combination of Western Psychology, Eastern wisdom and practices, and Shamanic wisdom to support individuals along the spiritual path. 
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